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May E-Pānui

Constitutional Review

From 2020 to 2022, Tamatea Pōkai Whenua completed a two-phased Constitutional Evaluation. During the settlement process, it was agreed a review of the Trusts Constitutional arrangements would take place within two years of settlement. In 2020, the Trust hosted Whare Kōrero and individual hui seeking member views of Heretaunga Tamatea constitutional arrangements. The Constitutional Evaluation Working Group prepared a report setting out 12 recommendations. Marae cluster hui were later held in 2022 to update members about the Constitutional Review and to seek the continued input of members on the Constitutional arrangements. 


Key outcomes of the Constitutional Review include the Trust name change, the establishment of the Asset Holding Company - Heretaunga Tamatea Pou Tahua, a single triannual process for Trustee elections, the ability to vote in multiple electorates and minor Trust Deed changes. For more information about the Constitutional Review, click below.  

Tamatea Pōkai Whenua
Board Meetings

Korongata Board Hui_edited.png

E mihi ana ki ngā marae katoa o Heretaunga Tamatea! The Tamatea Pōkai Whenua Board of 23 meet bi-monthly, with the most recent being a community Board meeting held at Korongatā Marae, on Tuesday 30 o Āpereira 2024. Having our Board hui out in our marae is part of our efforts to further engage and foster stronger relationships with whānau, and build further inclusion and clarity of our function and purpose as a Post-Settlement Trust in our takiwā of Heretaunga Tamatea. Summaries of the Pēpuere and Āpereira 2024 Board meetings are available to view here. Our second community Board meeting will take place in Oketopa in Tamatea. Members will be notified of the details and location of this meeting later in the year. In the meantime, feel free to have a kōrero with your marae representative, or contact our office on (06) 876 6506 or email Kei aku rangatira, koutou o te marae o Korongatā, kātuarehe mārika te manaaki! 

Tamatea Pōkai Whenua
Strategy Review

This year heralds the end of the Trust’s five year strategic plan ‘Whanake te Kura’. A strategic planning working party has been engaged to support the Trustee’s in the review and update of the Trust’s strategy. Tapatapahi ana! The working party consists of Trust member representatives who have professional experience supporting community development at different levels. They are Sarah Reo (Mihiroa), Raana Walker (Kohupātiki), Pōhatu Paku (Ruahāpia) and Patrick Hape (Kahurānaki). An analysis of previous engagements and settlement documents are being undertaken to identify strategic themes to inform the strategy refresh. These engagements include the initial settlement Whare Kōrero, the Constitutional Review, and previous strategy planning hui. Wānanga will take during the year with Trustees, the Tamatea community, the Heretaunga community and operational staff to discuss the strategy review and to seek member input on the strategic goals and deliverables for the Trust over the next five years. Ka mutu pea!

You can click the image on the left should you wish to read through the five-year strategic plan.

Taumata Kaumātua


(L-R) Rear: Herbert Bartlett, Jerry Hapuku, James Kenrick, Pōhatu Paku (TPW Chairperson)

(L-R) Front: Helen Barlow, Raina Ferris, Stephanie Bartlett, Alayna Watene

The Taumata Kaumātua was established in 2023 following support for the establishment of the committee during the Constitutional Review. The Taumata Kaumātua is an advisory committee to the Trust on matters of kawa, tikanga, whakapapa and dispute resolution. The Trust is privileged to have seven committee members supporting the work of the Trust, they are Owen Hapuku, Herbert Bartlett, Raina Ferris, Marama Hart, Helen Barlow, Don Hutana and Alayna Watene. Our sincere appreciation is extended to James Kenrick and Marei Apatu, former members of the committee, for their time and contributions. Both have withdrawn from the committee due to other commitments. The Trust would also like to acknowledge Eruera Timu, a former member of the committee that sadly passed late last year. The Taumata Kaumātua are currently supporting two key workstreams - the development of the Kawenata for Heretaunga Tamatea and the database and re-registrations process.

Te Matau-ā-Māui
Cape Kidnappers

Te Matau a Māui_edited.png

On 26 June 2023, the vesting and gift back of the Cape Kidnappers Gannet Protection Reserve and the Cape Kidnappers Nature Reserve took place. The vesting and gift back of Cape Kidnappers was negotiated as part of the cultural redress for Heretaunga Tamatea in recognition of the cultural and spiritual significance of Te Matau-ā-Māui to mana whenua. The Board decided that a formal event would not be held for the occasion. However, the Te Matau-ā-Māui Co-Governance Committee was established for the protection and management of the reserves and the inaugural meeting of the Committee took place in acknowledgement of the gift back.


The co-governance Committee includes representatives from each of the 5 marae that have an interest in Te Matau-ā-Māui, along with representatives from Tamatea Pōkai Whenua, Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga, Ngāti Kahunugunu Iwi Incorporated and the Department of Conservation. The key focus for the Committee this year is to develop a strategy for the protection and management of Te Matau-ā-Māui. Wetiweti kē nei!

Kahungunu Hui-ā-Iwi
- Waipatu Marae

Tamatea Pōkai Whenua attended and presented at the Kahungunu Hui-ā-iwi held at Waipatu Marae on the 26th o Āpereira 2024. Our Board Chair, Pōhatu Paku highlighted the need to harness talent and skill within all our hapū to drive the outcomes discussed by each speaker on the day, and also the need for a constitutional review and alignment between Tamatea Pōkai Whenua and Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated. We also recognise the recommendations put forward at the hui for a Ngāti Kahungunu constitutional discussion, and wish to mihi to everyone who attended. Anō te pai! Waiho i te toipoto, kaua i te toiroa! 

Image of our Chairperson at the Hui-ā-Iwi. Sourced from Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Inc.

Te Whare o Heretaunga

Significant progress has been made in the repatriation of taonga from Te Whare o Heretaunga. Around 60 carvings from the whare are located in museums around New Zealand and the world. Six of the seven museums approached in New Zealand have endorsed the repatriation of the carvings from Te Whare o Heretaunga, including the MTG Museum in Napier. This represents 32 of the 60 carvings from the whare. Work is now underway to commence the repatriation of the taonga located overseas.        

Rose Mohi and Darryn Russell (CEO) during a visit to Otago Museum.

Caterers wanted in Heretaunga and Tamatea

Do you or your whānau have a professional catering business? Tamatea Pōkai Whenua is looking for 1 - 2 professional caterers to provide catering services for hui and events during the year in Heretaunga and Tamatea. Catering may be required for morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, light refreshments, or canapes, with catering numbers ranging from 10 – 100. Delivery of catering to hui and events is also preferred. If this is an opportunity you would like to express interest in, please send the following information to – providing a cover letter outlining your entity/group and experience with this kind of service, whether you provide catering services in Heretaunga, Tamatea or across both rohe, sample-menus and per-head costs for different types of meals. 

Should you wish to learn more of what's happening here at Tamatea Pōkai Whenua. 

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